Stephen Andrew Taylor |
Selected Writings
Demo: Sonic Catalog of Rare Diseases in Proceedings of the 11th ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on Functional Art, Music, Modelling, and Design (FARM '23), September 8, 2023, Seattle, WA, USA. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 3 pages. Stephen Taylor & Aditi Kantipuly.
Sonification-Enhanced Lattice Model Animations for Teaching the Protein Folding Reaction in Journal of Chemical Education, February 16, 2022. Carla Scaletti*, Meredith M. Rickard, Kurt J. Hebel, Taras V. Pogorelov, Stephen A. Taylor, and Martin Gruebele*
Dorico and the Rite of Spring , blog post for Scoring Notes , January 26, 2021.
From Program Music to Sonification: Representation and the Evolution of Music and Language in Proceedings of the International Conference on Auditory Display , 2017.
Hemiola, Maximal Evenness, and Metric Ambiguity in Late Ligeti , in Contemporary Music Review , Volume 31, 2012, Issues 2-3.
Passacaglia and Lament in Ligeti's Recent Music , in the Dutch Journal of Music Theory , Volume 9 Number 1 (February 2004).
Ligeti, Africa and Polyrhythm , in The World of Music, Volume 45 Number 2 (2003).
New Approaches to Music and Interactive Multimedia , in Proceedings of the 2001 IEEE Multimedia Technology and Applications Conference, U.C. Irvine (November 2001).
Setfinder , a javascript webpage for analyzing pitch class sets (somewhat superceded by Paul Nelson's excellent Composer Tools website).
Chopin, Pygmies, and Tempo Fugue: Ligeti's "Automne à Varsovie," in Music Theory Online , Volume 3 Number 3 (May 1997).
The Lamento Motif: Metamorphosis in Ligeti's Late Style . DMA dissertation, Cornell University (May 1994).
Last updated 23 September 2024 by Stephen Taylor.